Vendor Form

Dear Vendor: Please fill out all the required information as accurately as possible. Your submitted data will be reviewed by our Planning  Committee and you will be contacted by email within 10 days of your application. Please read the requirements of your participation and you  are invited to call or email with any questions you may have.

Location : Cantine Fields, Saugerties New York

Time: 11 a.m.- 7 p.m.

  1. Vendor must be a registered business entity: LLC, Corporation or NYS DBA. For craft/service individuals who do not have a registered business entity please fill out form and email as approval is made on an individual basis. 
  2. All food vendors must have current insurance of 1 million naming Seasoned Gives as the additionally insured. 
  3. No application will be approved until full payment is received. Any cancellations once approved will not be refunded.
  4. All vendors are 100% responsible for cleanup at the end of the event.
  5. Vendors will be granted access to the site at 8:30 a.m. the morning of the event and must be completely set up by 10:30 am. All vehicles  must be parked outside of the area after setup. There is no parking in the event parking lot. All vehicles can park in other areas of the park.  Break down is at 7:00 pm and vendors must be open until that time. There will be no allowance for early breakdown or departure. 
  7. All vendors are responsible for attaining permits from their regulatory agency. Attach any applicable state and/or local licenses required for your business. Prepared food vendors and those selling taxable items must provide a copy of their NY State Sales Tax Authority certificate IN ADDITION TO ANY FOOD-PREPARATION LICENSES REQUIRED
  8. Permits (copies to be attached to your application) are required for all prepared foods and foods served to eat in the market. It is your responsibility to be in compliance. We are inspected by the Ulster County Health Department. 
  9. If you need access to electricity for which there will be a one time seasonal charge of $30/Daily Rate, please advise us so that we may take this into account in determining your space in the layout.
  10. Vendors are expected to be civil and respectful to each other and to customers. The Market Committee reserves the right to dismiss a vendor for offensive behavior
  11. Vendor fees are for 10 x 10 booth spaces (if you  need more space you must pay for 2 spaces- NO  EXCEPTIONS
  12. Food Vendor fee will be $250.00, Product Vendor/Information- $125.00,  NON PROFIT/COMMUNITY SERVICE-FREE
  13. No alcoholic beverage sales of any kind are permitted

NOTE: 10x10 space is provided to all outside vendors and a 10x10 pop-up tent may be used.

Please be certain to provide adequate tent  anchoring to prevent damage from winds. 

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